Changing from a Caterpillar to a Butterfly So We Can Deal with “Different”

The process of metamorphosis is desperately needed in our society right now.

Ken Kayse
2 min readMay 17, 2023


Multi-colored butterfly  highlighted with pastel blues, orange and black stripes along its outer wings. Beautiful!
Photo by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash

You scare me!

Are you afraid of me?


Because you don’t know me?

Is that it?

Is it because you think I am someone different from who I really am?

Could that fear be born from unfamiliarity?

We all have a fear of the unknown, or of what we don’t know. That is what makes us cautious when new people are introduced to us.

Before we allow a new person into our lives, we try to find out as much as we can about them, without coming right out and asking them.

We will search Twitter, or Facebook, or a myriad of other social media sources to get a glimpse of their character, trying to gauge where they stand on issues and whether their values are similar to ours.

When I was still working, I would often play detective and search Google or other search engines for anything I could find about any new person who was wanting to befriend me.

As far as I know, you are probably doing the same search right now, looking for…



Ken Kayse

When Life knocks you down, be a rubber ball and bounce up. I enjoy creativity and I love life! I write for fun and I live in the present. Try it you’ll like it.