I Looked in the Mirror Today and I Liked the Figure Staring Back at Me

Let me tell you a story about how “old” feels

Ken Kayse
5 min readApr 11, 2022
Photo by Hossein Rezaei on Unsplash

Seven decades. It sounds like a long time, doesn’t it? Perhaps it is for humans, but not so long in the cosmic scheme of things. In that realm, seventy years is but a tiny teardrop of time.

What was it about me that made today different from all the other days I’ve stared into the mirror? Weariness! I looked haggard and worn for one. I had bags under my eyes and a double gobble-chin.

Every day when I wake, my hair always looks like every strand is trying to escape my head in a different direction. I try to flatten them, but that only seems to make it worse. Combined with my other features present in the mirror, no wonder I look weary.

Despite how I appeared once I first glanced at myself, I felt pretty good — none of my usual arthritis aches and pains were pestering me. Still, it was worrying to me that I appeared so tired after waking from a solid eight hours of sleep.

To get my day started on a positive note, I put those worries aside long enough to take a shower, shave and get dressed for a normal day of trudging around the house. Since the early days of my retirement in 2018, apparently, I have become an expert at trudging around the house.



Ken Kayse

When Life knocks you down, be a rubber ball and bounce up. I enjoy creativity and I love life! I write for fun and I live in the present. Try it you’ll like it.