The World Lost a True Leader on August 14th, 2022 — Someone You’ve Never Heard About

Cracking a glass ceiling was no challenge for this person. In fact, it was expected of her.

Ken Kayse
5 min readOct 4, 2022


My beautiful sister, Denise (Courtesy: Author)

I love putting a face with a name. From time to time, when I’m talking to a stranger on a phone call, I mentally envision what I think they might look like. I think we all do that, at one time or another.

I include a picture of my sister to answer many questions about her and what makes her so special to anyone who knows her.

I knew my sister for every day of her life, all 68 years, 8 months of it, lacking a day. I remember when Mom and Dad brought her home from the hospital. She was so tiny, but she had absolutely eye-catching brown eyes and a full head of brown hair to match.

She was beautiful, and she was perfect — all five feet-two inches of her.

As she grew in stature, she became known for her feisty spirit and her desire for independence. She wasn’t known for “toeing the line,” more so for pushing the line forward, inch-by-inch, until she would cross it, then “double-dog-dare” you to do something about it.



Ken Kayse

When Life knocks you down, be a rubber ball and bounce up. I enjoy creativity and I love life! I write for fun and I live in the present. Try it you’ll like it.