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What’s Happening? Suddenly Everyone Is An Expert On Every Subject

A Lifetime Of Knowledge Doesn’t Make One An Expert

Ken Kayse
4 min readAug 13, 2021


Photo by Luke Tanis on Unsplash

I’m not as bright as Aristotle, Plato, or Socrates. I certainly will never be compared with any of the great polymaths, either. That leads me to wonder: How did all these people suddenly find these answers to all these different problems?

Everywhere I look, I see examples of people claiming to have the best way to “_______,” or how not to “______,” or some other type of “try this,” “do that,” and I get confused.

I consider myself an educated man, for the most part. I qualify that because I am not mechanically inclined at all. It’s as if God gave me ten thumbs when I try to put anything together.

The reason I mention this is to highlight what I believe to be a serious flaw in our society: Too many of us think we know the best way to accomplish something is to do it “our way.”

This writing community has all of the answers to none of the questions — yes, including me! We give black and white answers to gray questions, with no forethought given to any other possibility. Why? Because we know it worked for us, so…



Ken Kayse

When Life knocks you down, be a rubber ball and bounce up. I enjoy creativity and I love life! I write for fun and I live in the present. Try it you’ll like it.